Women and Corruption

Women and Corruption By Ms Maria Haiko All over the world, corruption a ffects people’s every day lives in various ways: from unfair evaluation of college admissions to companies obtaining contracts with the help of bribes , corruption exists on many levels of society. People are aware of the effects of this unlawful practice on business and politics and so forth , but did you know that corruption actually affects women and men differently? C orruption usually hits the poor the hardest , and women and girls make up 70% of the poor in the world . But the difference in impact on gender also has to do with the fact that unequal power relations between men and women often dictate how women react to forms of corruption – especially to gender-specific corruption: sexual extortion . 1 This inequality is most prominently visible in cultures that are heavily patriarchal , policy women’s bodies, and believe in the traditional roles of women as caretakers of the house...